Jessi Juice Native English Copywriter for Health, Fitness, Organics and Sustainability


My Passions & Lifestyle

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Be resolute and firm in your values! Let them guide you in all decisions to positively influence your interactions and elevate your relationships!"

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

I value...

Passion, People, Purpose, Potential and Planet.

As a nurturer at heart, I cherish the value of building meaningful relationships.

I value trust, honesty, loyalty, respect, and transparency.  I believe accountability and responsibility trigger growth.

I honour connection, authenticity, integrity and congruency.

Never compromise your values to please others.

"Make a list of your values, your non-negotiables,

and what matters to you most. Live by this and

let it guide you in everything you do."

Personal Development

Self Awareness Is The New Sexy!

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Accountability triggers growth!

"Live a life of introspection, reflection, learning and understanding. The meaning and

purpose of our life is to develop our person, uncover our gifts and serve the world!"

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Transform Your Pain to Purpose & Potential."

I believe in practising self-care, introspection and reflection. 

Balancing work and play with time to reflect, learn and grow is vital to living with meaning and purpose.

Health and Wellness must focus on the whole person - Body, Mind and Soul.

Do not try to escape your struggles and pain. Our pain is designed to empower us and helps us uncover our potential.

Pain is a signal that something needs to change. It is an opportunity for growth. Embrace it!

We only experience growth and radical transformation under extreme pressure. 

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

You Have To Move Your Body

      Movement Is Life!

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Nothing tastes as good as a Fit and Healthy life feels!"

"Choose an active lifestyle to feel the energy, alertness, feel-good hormones and strength.

It strengthens discipline and improves mindset, leading to healthier lifestyle choices." 

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability
Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

Choose a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Time in nature will energize, calm and recenter you.

Enjoy the energy and vitality an active lifestyle brings! Look and feel your best!

This lifestyle boosts your mental, emotional and physical well-being. It helps me to perform optimally in all aspects of my life.

"When you combine movement with

Mother Nature and her unadulterated

foods and nutrients, you increase

longevity and improve health, ageing

more naturally as nature intended."

Live A Conscious Lifestyle

In Harmony With Nature

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Nature and Creator heal!"

"Separation from nature, social disconnect, breakdown of community, a lack of

responsibility, and separation from our Creator...lead to loss of meaning and purpose

in life. This leads to poor physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health."

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

I am passionate about health, wellness, people and the planet.

I believe you should aim to live and experience the health and vitality you were designed to feel. 

Choose organic whole foods plant-based lifestyle. Eat unadulterated foods, free of additives, with the least amount of processing possible.

I love making homemade desserts. I use only the healthiest and most natural ingredients. This way, I can enjoy treats and stay healthy and in shape.

"Treat yourself like someone you love, care for your body, and nourish it well.

Fill your mind only with those things that elevate and grow you. 

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

"Make a conscious effort to live a lifestyle that will support you to 'Thrive and Survive'. Looking and feeling good is easier than you think. Learn the art of creating

the most delectable desserts with the most natural ingredients!"

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

Follow The Wisdom of Our Forefathers

I love to live and eat as our forefathers did.

Focus on keeping things simple and natural and as fresh as possible.

You will find that eating high plant-based whole foods, unadulterated and free of chemicals like additives and preservatives, makes a huge difference to your energy levels and well-being.

This lifestyle reduces the fast ageing process that highly processed foods create.

"A lifestyle in harmony with nature

is key to look and feel your best."

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability

At Jessi Juice, We are on a mission to end mediocre, deceptive and exploitaive marketing practices.

We are raising the bar of modern marketing with captivating and creative storytelling to ignite the human connection.

We craft copy with good old-fashioned ethics to raise your reputation, build trust and enthusiasm, and nurture brand-loyal fans. We promise to inject The Elixir Of Life into your copy with Passion, Purpose, and Potential.

If you are looking to elevate your copywriting... Jessi Juice can help!

Jessi Juice Native English Freelance Copywriter engelsk tekstforfatter Denmark, health, wellness, sustainability